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Enzymes – The Miracle of Life

The 21st Century has become an era of biochemical technology.
Advancing knowledge and methods have created a shift within the healthcare industry… Where vitamins were once the celebrities, enzymes are now taking the spotlight.
‘Health Maintenance’ is not just a slogan. It is first and foremost an action, and an even more important one.
Over the last century, there have been dramatic changes in all aspects of our lives, and consequently both our external and internal environments are in crisis. Our bodies have suffered the pressure of change, of development, of industry, often without our awareness. In order to fully embrace this modern life and its challenges, we have to strengthen the body and cultivate health.

“Enzymes can be referred to as the ‘currency’ of the cell. If there is no enzyme, there will be no life.” – Professor Paul D. Boyle, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1997
Enzymes are highly active molecules present within every living cell, that can be regarded as a form of currency within the body. A currency that can both store and transform energy.
In 1997, Professor Paul D. Boyle from the University of California, Senior Researcher John E. Walker from the Molecular Biological Laboratory of the UK Medical Research Council and Professor Jens C. Skou from Aarhus University in Denmark were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Their pioneering research gave an insight into how enzymes work on a molecular level, and explained the mechanism used by the enzyme ATPase to pump sodium and potassium across the plasma membrane of a cell.

  • Dr. David Ho, a Chinese-American scientist, has been at the forefront of AIDS research for more than three decades. His work focuses largely on a three-in-one protease enzyme therapy he has developed to treat HIV/AIDS patients.
  • Nutritionist Dr. Yang Naiyan has stated that plant enzymes are gifts of nature, which help the body to achieve harmony, improve overall health and prevent disease.
  •  Dr. Dong Dacheng, a Professor of Medicine at Taipei Medical School believes enzymes detoxify and protect the body, by strengthening immunity and cellular health.
  • Dr. Hujimoto Daisaburo from Japan claims enzymes maintain beauty and prevent cancer and visceral diseases.
  • Dr. Ogino Hironobu and Dr. Okuda Hiromichi from Japan discovered that enzymes can inhibit the growth of ulcers caused by alcohol abuse, and increase the amount of DNA and testosterone in the testicles. They believe enzyme therapy will be a potential cure for cancer in the future.

What are enzymes?
Enzymes are the spark that make life possible. They are present in every cell of both plants and animals, and are needed for all chemical reactions that occur within the body. Without them no activity at all would take place. Neither vitamins, minerals nor hormones would work. Human eggs and sperm could not combine. Every cell would cease to move, and no life would happen.
Naturopath Dr. Humbert Santino has said, “if we imagine the body as a light bulb, enzymes are the electricity. Without enzymes, our body is just like a useless bulb, never alight.”
More than 700 enzymes have been discovered in the human body, but there could be many more. Some scientists believe around 1,500 – 4,000 enzymes are necessary for optimal health.
Others speculate that number to be more than 10,000.

How do enzymes work in the body?

Enzymes are protein compounds that serve as metabolic mediators within the body. Without enzymes, metabolic function would become impossible.
The human body is one of the most sophisticated living organisms on earth. Countless chemical reactions are constantly occurring, all relying on the presence of enzymes. But some enzymes are lost during the reaction process.
Although the body can independently generate certain amounts of enzymes to replenish what it loses, without dietary supplementation it quickly falls into a state of enzyme deficit. The food we ingest daily has a direct effect on what and how many enzymes are available for digestion, metabolic function etc. Our diet can either support or damage enzyme levels in the body.
Metabolic function is key to disease prevention and optimal health. To preserve it, we must be ingesting sufficient dietary enzymes. If the level of dietary enzymes in the body is insufficient, metabolic rate slows down and our health becomes seriously affected.
Enzymes provide incredible support for digestion and absorption processes. The function of digestive enzymes can be explained with the following experiment: For meat to be broken down into amino acids and other vital nutrients in a laboratory, it must be soaked in a thick acid solution for 24 hours. But when combined with the right enzymes, such as those found in the stomach, this process can take as little as 2 hours to complete, whilst remaining at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
But enzymes don’t only break down substances, they also create completely new ones. For example, enzymes extract amino acids from the blood and convert them into muscle. They also turn sugar into heparin acid and store it in the liver for energy.
If we think of cells as small factories, enzymes are the engineers. They are constantly working to balance, to restore and to energize. Enzymes are responsible for oxidizing the cells. They also catalyze a series of  chemical reactions that create adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP emits an energy that causes the muscle fibers to contract, such as that needed for the heart to beat and the lungs to breath.
Enzymes are also at work within the nervous system. They manufacture acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter released by the nerve cells to send signals to other cells.
Enzymes are both mysterious and magical. They lie at the heart of everything we do, and yet for the most part we are completely unaware of their existence. The elusive qualities of enzymes have given them the title <Miracle of Life>.

What bodily functions rely on the presence of enzymes?
Enzymes are needed for all bodily functions and processes. These include digestion, absorption, decomposition, excretion, transferring of elements, detoxification, muscle activity, breathing, thinking, immunity, the body’s innate natural healing power and so on. Even small, unnoticeable movements, such as sneezing, blinking, metabolism, brain function, bone and muscle formation and sweating all depend on enzymes.


  • Brain activity (metabolic enzymes)
  • Sensory organ activity; eyes, nose, mouth and ears (metabolic enzymes)
  • Breathing, transporting, sweating (metabolic enzymes)
  • Ingestion of enzymes from food (dietary enzymes)
  • Detoxification, excretion and immunity (metabolic enzymes)
  • Breathing of the skin (metabolic enzymes)
  • Digestion, decomposition, absorption (digestive enzymes)
  • Bones and muscle formation (metabolic enzymes)
  • Visceral organ activity (metabolic enzymes)
  • Joint and muscle function (metabolic enzymes)
  • Emotions and cognitive function (metabolic enzymes)

The 4 categories of digestive enzymes
The body requires 4 different categories of digestive enzymes:
Lipase enzymes for breaking down fat / Protease enzymes for protein decomposition / Cellulase enzymes for breaking down fiber / Amylase enzymes for starch decomposition.
Enzymes break down macronutrients into micronutrients, which can be easily absorbed by the cells. Starch is converted into glucose, protein into amino acids and fats into fatty acids.
Each enzyme has its own unique function. We require many different types working together in order to realize all the different movements and skills needed for daily life. Enzymes promote and catalyze all muscle movements, nerve conduction, heartbeat, breathing, thinking, digestion, tissue repair, construction, strengthening and detoxification processes.

Why are we lacking enzymes?
The fewer the enzymes in our body, the faster we age. The more enzymes we have, the healthier we are.
Apart from cellulase (which can only be sourced from plants), the human body is capable of producing all the enzymes we need. So why are many of us running on an enzyme deficit? The answer lies in the types of food we eat. Modern food processing techniques and all types of cooking (over 50°C) destroy almost 100% of the enzymes naturally occurring in food. Exposure to elevated temperatures and low pH leaves the modern diet devoid of any enzyme activity.
Digestive enzymes from food should take the responsibility for as much as 75% of the digestive task. But when our food is ‘empty’ (no enzymatic value) this burden falls completely on the digestive organs. It takes a huge amount of energy to digest food, and when there is no support from diet or supplemental enzymes, our body becomes over-worked and tired. A primary indicator of an over-worked digestive system is feeling sleepy after a meal.
The number of enzymes in the body are directly proportional to the amount of energy we have. As we get older, enzyme levels  gradually decrease. We die when enzyme levels become too low to meet our metabolic needs. As enzyme levels decrease, we become susceptible to disease and ill-health. In order to rebalance this, dietary changes are required. But in today’s world, our environment is also compromised and there are other factors to consider.
Air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, western medicine, preservatives etc all have a direct impact on enzyme function. Maintaining good health can sometimes feel like a minefield, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. By simply ingesting enough enzymes through diet and supplementation, we can ensure our rate of metabolism remains steady, therefore preserving and cultivating health.
There are two ways to ingest enzymes. The first is through eating raw food, and the second is to take an enzyme supplement. However, relying solely on raw food as the only source of enzymes is problematic. It is difficult to ingest enough raw food to rebalance enzyme levels, and environmental factors can also compromise their safety and enzymatic value. In addition, we do not know what enzymes, and how many, the body is lacking. The safest, most convenient and effective solution to this problem is to take a composite enzyme supplement.

The warnings of enzyme deficiency
Enzymes are indispensable for maintaining health and vitality. When the body presents us with symptoms of ill health, it is likely because there are not enough enzymes available in our system. Health issues are warnings from the body to be aware that enzyme levels are running low. When the body is unable to produce sufficient enzymes, there are 5 main symptoms that may surface:
1. Ageing of the Intestine
This can present itself in a number of ways, all of which are is caused by a buildup of bad bacteria in the gut. When there is a lack of enzymes present in the digestive tract, levels of good bacteria fall, and bad bacteria increase. This causes an imbalance within the intestine. Symptoms include trouble defecating, frequent diarrhea, bloating, gas, a ‘noisy’ intestine and bad smelling stools.
2. ConstipationA lack of enzymes can lead to constipation. Fecal matter that remains in the body for too long often leads to emotional upset and sensitivity. Trouble defecating also causes blood flow to increase, creating a ‘hot’ face, ‘hot’ feelings and dizziness.
3. Obesity
Low enzyme activity results in more fat being stored in the body. A lack of enzymes causes the metabolism to slow down, resulting in a sluggish lymphatic system and edema (swelling). Furthermore, if not enough lipase enzymes are present within the system, fat molecules are not effectively broken down and accumulate in the blood vessels and organs. This leads to weight gain and can trigger the development of other diseases.
4. Poor skin condition
When there are not enough enzymes present in the body, digestion and metabolic activity decrease and food waste remains in the intestine. Bacteria convert undigested food into toxins and gas, which are absorbed through the intestinal wall. This results in symptoms such as ageing of the skin, skin complaints and a poor complexion.
5. Fatigue
If food cannot be effectively absorbed due to low levels of enzymes, the body begins to lack nutrients and the immune system is weakened. It is then very easy for the body to fall into a state of fatigue.

More people are suffering from enzyme deficiencies than we realize.

5% of the global population are in optimal health. 75% present some form of poor health and 20% are sick.

Enzyme Therapy addresses all of the following conditions:
Beauty: Skin discoloration, liver spots, stretch marks, pimples, acne, rough and sensitive skin.
Obesity: 13-8kg can be lost within the first month.
Skin: Athlete’s foot, eczema, scars, burns, contusions, swelling, congestion, skin disease, skin ulcers, purpura, lupus erythematosus.
Digestion: Constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastroptosis, gastritis, gastric ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, weak liver function, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, hangovers, diabetes, stomatitis, periodontal disease, underweight, excess fat.
Respiratory system: Sinusitis, tracheitis, asthma, lung disease, colds, tonsillitis.
Nervous system: Autonomic nervous disorder, insomnia, neuroticism, headache, shoulder pain, neck pain, waist pain, neuralgia, gout, rheumatoid pain, arthritis, neuroticism, sciatica, and epilepsy.
Urinary system: Nephritis, renal insufficiency, urinary protein edema, high uric acid levels, cystitis, calculi (liver, biliary, bladder), endocrine disorder, sexual impotence, feeling cold, infertility, thyroid health.

What kind of enzyme supplement do I need?

Enzyme supplements can be separated into two types ‘single enzymes’ and ‘composite enzymes’.
The name ‘single enzyme’ refers to one particular kind of enzyme, that acts on one particular kind of substance. In comparison, the name ‘composite enzyme’ refers to a combination of enzymes that can serve multiple functions.
Our enzyme supplements can also be divided into ‘liquid’ and ‘powdered’ forms, both of which are types of composite enzymes.

Liquid enzymes are like a good wine. The longer they are stored, the higher the amount of antioxidant SODs present, and the better the quality. This is reflected in the price. A high-quality  may have taken many years to produce, and will be more expensive than a low quality alternative.
Powdered enzymes are created through an extraction process, and can also be molded into a granular consistency. A natural enzyme composite is alive with good bacteria, and when extracted into a powdered or granular form it becomes difficult to maintain its freshness and viability. This is reflected in the potency of the product. It is estimated that powdered enzymes have about one third of the effect of liquid enzymes. Powdered enzymes do have the advantage of convenience in terms of packing and transportation, but when considering the effects of each, liquid enzyme supplements are far superior.

The function of supplemental enzymes can also be divided in two: ‘transferase’ and ‘digestive’ enzymes.
There are more than one thousand transferases in the body, working to transfer and catalyze different nutrients, and assisting absorption and metabolism in the cells. Digestive enzymes work entirely within the digestive system, breaking down food and eliminating waste from the body. If any of these enzymes are not present, it doesn’t matter how healthy the lifestyle, how nutrient-dense the diet, the food you ingest will not be efficiently absorbed.

True beauty comes from the inside out!
When enzyme metabolism is functioning optimally, the digestive tract is also in its best state of health. A healthy environment within the intestines represents more than half of the body’s overall health management, and is reflected in the vitality of the skin, nails and hair.
Enzyme function is closely related to the intestine:
Enzymes within the body carry-out seemingly basic but very important functions. Digestive enzymes catalyze and break down food into small molecular structures so they can be easily absorbed. Metabolic enzymes catalyze and eliminate waste from the body. Each digestive enzyme plays its own role in maintaining optimal bowel health.
Prevent the symptoms of ageing with a high-enzyme diet:
Natural foods that contain high levels of enzymes reduce the digestive burden inflicted on the intestine. They also prevent excessive fatigue and premature aging of the digestive organs.
Digestive enzymes eliminate waste and gas from the colon:
When Constipation, flatulence or discomfort in the stomach occur, it is a good idea to supplement with some form of digestive enzyme, such as papain (from papaya) or bromelain (from pineapple). Supplementing with digestive enzymes helps transform large macromolecules of food into smaller ones. Small molecules of food are much easier for the stomach and intestines to digest. When the digestive process is working smoothly again, any discomfort will be gone.
The relationship between enzymes and enterobacteria (intestinal bacteria)
Certain enterobacteria can be used to produce enzymes that are beneficial to the body. There are many good bacteria associated with enzymes, including probiotics, lactobacillus, and Bacillus subtilis (found in natto, a fermented soybean paste). Foods containing good bacteria promote healthy gut flora. Many people are not in the habit of including fermented foods such as natto in their diet. But these foods provide precious enzymes created during the fermentation process that promote healthy digestion and absorption.

The source of life and health

So far, about 115 diseases are known to be related to enzyme disorders. There is no better way to treat the root cause of disease than to ‘restock’ enzyme levels, but it is not only the human body that works this way. Every organism living between the earth and the sky needs enzymes to exist. They are the ultimate source of life and health.
The best path to optimal health is through maintaining a balanced diet, moving often and continuously replenishing enzyme levels. Some people eat a nutrient-dense diet, but do not replenish their bodies with enzymes. It may seem they are eating healthily. But if enzyme levels are insufficient, many of the nutrients they are ingesting will not be broken down or properly absorbed. Furthermore, the body will be unable to remove the unused nutrients. Accumulated nutrients increase the burden inflicted on the vital organs, and as time goes by health is compromised and disease occurs. A main cause of illness is undigested, unused nutrients that are not eliminated from the body efficiently.

Natural composite enzymes and environmental disease
Environmental disease (disease originating from environmental conditions) is a product of the industrial age. The widespread use of pesticides, and the manufacture of heavy metals such as mercury, lead and copper, are contaminating our water, air, soil, crop and food supplies.
Coexisting with harmful heavy metals has become a part of daily life, but many of us are unaware how easily the body absorbs them. Fortunately, if the heavy metal content is relatively low, the body will use its natural enzyme levels to eliminate it without any lasting harm. However, when the heavy metal content becomes too high, it can no longer be eliminated in this way and will accumulate in the blood and cells. Over time severe symptoms can occur, and this is the manifestation of environmental disease.
However, when used in large quantities, enzymes can break down and eliminate certain elements. They can separate heavy metals from the blood and decompose toxins harboring in the cells. Enzyme therapy uses high levels of good-quality enzymes to seek and eliminate harmful substances hiding in the body. In today’s modern world enzymes are finding themselves in the role of the superhero.

Natural composite enzymes and skin health
Enzymes activate cells, repair wrinkles and prevent the negative signs of aging. They also promote healthy metabolism. When the metabolism is functioning well, the skin appears glowing and radiant. We already know there are many kinds of enzymes living in the cells of the vital organs. They also play an indispensable role in maintaining the health of the skin. Enzymes provide a kickstart for blocked skin cells, so they can continue to function. Some also resist the harmful effects of UV rays and inhibit the formation of melanin, thus reducing any unwanted signs of aging caused by sun exposure and pollution. Other enzymes encourage the shedding of dead skin cells, and improve the production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are key to maintaining skin elasticity and tone. Daily supplementation of enzymes reduces wrinkles and promotes glowing, radiant skin.
Strongly active composite enzymes penetrate the tissue and activate cells in even the deepest layers of the skin. They are the best medium for nutrient delivery, and can also be used as an effective face wash or external skin treatment.

Natural composite enzymes and hypertension
Technically, high blood pressure is not a disease, but a predictor of atherosclerosis (a hardening of the arteries) or some form of disorder of the blood vessels.
There are many factors which can cause atherosclerosis. One of the main issues is high-levels of cholesterol and protein in the blood. These vital nutrients cannot be decomposed or absorbed completely if there aren’t enough of the right enzymes available. Excess cholesterol and protein then accumulate on the vascular walls, causing the arteries to harden and lose flexibility.
When atherosclerosis occurs, blood clots easily form in the capillaries, and this can lead to a stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure is an extremely serious symptom of ill-health, and currently one of the top ten causes of death worldwide. Although Western Medicine provides many methods and technologies to alleviate the symptoms of high blood pressure, the root cause of the problem (cholesterol and blood
accumulating in the arteries) is often not addressed. This means there is high chance the condition will not be cured fully and symptoms will come back.
Enzyme therapy provides a solution that treats the root cause of high blood pressure. Enzymes can decompose old waste, cholesterol (see below), lipoprotein and clots in the blood. Those with high blood pressure should consider a long-term enzyme program to cleanse, restore and nourish the cardiovascular system.

Natural composite enzymes and cholesterol
Despite its negative reputation, cholesterol is actually one of the important substances in the human body.
It is needed to produce bile, hormones and cell membranes. To transform cholesterol into a substance that can be effectively absorbed, there must be adequate amounts of certain enzymes in the blood. If these enzymes are not available, the cholesterol will ‘precipitate’ on the arterial walls, causing a hardening of the arteries.
As a result of false information presented by the media, cholesterol has been labeled as an invisible killer, and this has cultivated fear and misunderstanding amongst the general population. Many people wrongly believe that avoiding cholesterol promotes better health. In supermarkets worldwide, it is common to see products labeled as ‘cholesterol free’. But there is a large factor missing from this picture… enzymes!
Cholesterol is vital for health, but without the right enzymes it becomes dangerous.
It is so important that we replenish enzyme levels daily. Those that do quickly notice significant improvements, including improvements to sexual function. This is the effect of enzymes separating cholesterol from the blood, and transforming it into hormones.

Natural composite enzymes and diabetes
Diabetes is the result of insulin secretion disorder, or a reduction in insulin secretion due to pancreatic inflammation. Low levels of insulin mean the pancreas no longer metabolizes sugar properly. Sugar that is not broken down will be eliminated through the urine, and will not be stored in the body as it should. Diabetics need to supplement with the right sugars at all times, but not in excess. Excess sugar increases the burden inflicted on other organs.
This dilemma makes diabetes a tricky disease to live with. It is a complicated balancing act, and also one of the top 10 leading causes of death worldwide. Current general treatment is to use an insulin injection, which works as a form of pain relief and eases symptoms.
However, it does not address the root cause of the disease, and can actually exacerbate symptoms as time goes by.
But when treated with enzyme therapy, diabetes can be alleviated and even resolved completely. The right amounts of the right enzymes balance insulin secretion, therefore treating the root of the condition and restoring sugar metabolism.
As with all chronic diseases, persistence is required during the treatment and prevention of diabetes. The road to health is not necessarily easy. Our website and dedicated nutritionist coach are available to provide support and advice.

Natural composite enzymes and weight loss
Obesity is a source of many diseases. There are four main causes:
1. Genetics
2. Edema. An imbalance of internal osmotic pressure that causes excess water to stay in the body, giving a swollen appearance.
3. There are not enough of the enzymes needed to consume ingested calories and burn fat.
4. There are not enough of the enzymes needed for nutrient assimilation and elimination. When the body accumulates excess nutrients, obesity occurs.

For those who fail to lose weight, maintaining good health can often become a battle. But apart from genetic obesity, all other forms of obesity can be treated with the right combination of enzymes. Replenishing enzymes levels is the healthiest and simplest way to lose weight. It works in combination with the 24-hour fasting therapy mentioned below. 24-hour fasting therapy can be undertaken 1-3 times a week for ongoing weight loss. Within two to three months, you will notice a significant difference in body shape, and your energy levels will have drastically improved.
“There are many diet supplements available to treat obesity. Why not just use those?”
Diet pills that work by suppressing appetite can damage liver function. This means that even if they do promote weight loss, they also cause many unwanted side effects, including liver spots. Enzyme therapy, combined with sufficient water intake and exercise will encourage significant weight loss whilst promoting many other improvements to health and wellbeing.

24 hour fasting therapy
24 hour fasting therapy directly treats the digestive organs. In our modern world, quality of life has improved dramatically for many people. We have access to a huge range of different foods, and can often eat what we want, when we want it. However, the quality of the food we eat is substantially lower than previous centuries.
The widespread use of industrial pesticides, and the pollution of our water, air and soil means food now contains high levels of harmful  chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins that cause disease.
When illness does occur, pharmaceuticals are used as treatment, and this creates a vicious cycle that gradually destroys and exhausts the body’s natural healing power.
24 hour fasting therapy gives the organs a chance to rest. During this one-day period, the body can eliminate toxins and purify the blood without any fear of harm.
Used in combination with enzyme supplementation, this therapy creates the optimum environment for healing and recovery from the stresses of daily life.
On the day before your 24-hour fast, try to eat lightly. On the morning of the fast, it is important to eliminate waste from the intestine. Ideally, this will happen naturally, but if you feel constipated or have trouble defecating please use our High-Fiber Enzyme Powder to encourage movement. After this, simply drink 30ml composite enzyme solution 3 times during the day. These can be taken with warm water and will be your ‘meals’. No other food is to be ingested during this 24-hour period. For elderly people, or those with chronic health conditions, the dose can be doubled. This therapy can be done once a month to balance  forms of sub-health, weekly to treat disease, or 1-3 times a week for weight loss.
Please note: For more support and guidance with this therapy, consult our website or resident nutritionist.

Who needs natural composite enzymes?
• Those with intestinal issues
• Those with obesity
• Vegans
• Meat eaters
• Those who regularly eat at restaurants
• Those recovering from operations
• Those who drink, smoke or stay up late
• Women going through menopause
• Those with pain in wrists, spine or other joints
• Those with a weak immune system
• Those with low energy and skin spots
• Women after childbirth
• Those who care about health maintenance
6 benefits of enzyme therapy
1. Balance the body’s internal environment: Enzymes keep the blood slightly alkaline, remove waste from the body, balance intestinal bacteria and strengthen the cells. They also promote healthy digestion, strengthen resistance and immunity and maintain internal balance in all its aspects.
2. Anti-inflammatory: Enzymes transport white blood cells, promote healthy white blood cell function and give injured cells the power to recover.
3. Antibacterial: Enzymes help white blood cells to kill unwanted bacteria. In addition, enzymes have their own antibacterial properties that can kill bacteria. They also promote cell regeneration, which is the ultimate cure for disease.
4. Decomposition: Enzymes remove waste from the organs and blood vessels so they can function normally. They also aid healthy digestion and food decomposition.
5. Blood purification: Enzymes remove waste products from the blood and break down viruses that cause inflammation. They also transform cholesterol. Cholesterol that has not been broken down will have an acidic effect on the blood. Enzymes help keep the blood slightly alkaline and promote smooth blood circulation.
6. Cell regeneration: Enzymes promote cell metabolism and enhance physical strength to encourage cell regeneration. We all rely on the body’s natural healing ability to treat disease.
Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals may kill bacteria and alleviate symptoms of disease, but they also destroy the body’s own immunity and inhibit cell regeneration.
These six benefits do not occur separately from each other, but together as one. Enzyme therapy is a form of holistic healing that approaches disease in a different way from general medicine.
Instead of treating one specific illness, enzyme therapy focuses on healing the body as a whole.

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